A few days before His ascension, Jesus gave the commandment to "Go therefore and make disciples," Matthew 28:18-20. In much of today's Christianity, that Great Commission could be called the Great Confusion or simply the Great Omission. Most believers are not disciples. They are confused as to what a disciple is. And true disciplemaking is often missing in today's church. The 10 PDFs linked below offer clarity as to the difference between being a disciple and being just a believer. Expect to be Biblically provoked and challenged! Are you a disciple or just a believer?

Have you settled for being just a believer?

I. Disciple or Believer. The terms disciple and believer are not synonymous. There is an explicit Biblical difference. Too many Christians have settled for being just believers. Are you one of them? Are you a disciple or just a believer? This can be a life-changing question.

Click "more" for the PDF document 

Two extras here: 

Our Changing Taste for the Timeless Word 

Being Sons of Issachar 

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